Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 23

  Now after my commercial assignment on Tuesday the 22nd I left and headed westward in pursuit to locate and shoot a known Bald Eagle site (with camera of course), little did I know I would happen upon a little luck or Blessing which I prefer. Driving along side an earlier harvested corn field I noticed on the far side a small creature at a very far distance. Much to my surprise a young bear cub had an afternoon desire to snack before dinner time. Hey BOO BOO I think I smell a picnic basket!!
   I now had to figure a mode of seek and shoot without the young one or his MAMA wherever she might be lurking finding me first. Needless to say I just pursued without thought. Why do you ask? Because I'm a wildlife photographer and that's just what we do!!
   Here is a little sequence of what I saw at a very close range of 40 feet. 

** photos loaded backwards** sorry about that

** Only eagle shot I could get **

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