Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Story of Love April 25, 2009

  I met Stephanie & Shawn a few months ago as they asked me to photograph their wedding day. Their journey has taken them thru so many crossroads since meeting years ago. Stephanie began telling me of some of their adventures and circumstances that have led up to this day, even an untimely passing of Shawn's mother, losing their rings, and planned schedules falling apart. Within all of this I witnessed and felt a very special love that I believe has burned an eternal bond forever in these two. 
  Here a a few photo's of what I've named,
            The book of Love

Sunday, April 19, 2009


  As a lingering winter is now beginning to show signs of spring with warmer temps, cool water, and one of the best things Sunshine!!! Mixed with a few days of northeastern winds and a bit of a ground swell up comes the surf and out goes the surfers. Saturday welcomed the weekend with all the above remedies and the winds turned west ward to clean up the action. There was a little bit for everyone from the short boarders to the long boarders and the new and upcoming breed of paddle boarders. 
   Ah the fun of summer to come!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Black & Whites

"57 Chevy Classic"
   Here is a shot I took this morning before church of this classic 1957 Chevy. Wish I could tell you this baby is mine but not in this life. I shot this in multiple exposures and processed them as a HDR image, then made a copy an converted it to a grayscale image. Both in there own right make a nice car photo but I just wanted to let you see the color as well as the B/W. Take a close look at the main body color shade in the B/W image it is a good example of the many different shades B/W images produce not just gray and white. 

                              " American Bald Eagle"
   Just to show you even wildlife photography can be shot in B/W and still make a nice photo for matting and framing. Not to say every shot will work in this format but don't be stuck in color only mode all the time, a little variety keeps your photography fresh and different.                             
               " B/W's at the Beach"
   Of course living on the coast and spending many hours photographing weddings, sunrises, surfing, and wildlife there are always some shots that still have a wonderful feel for B/W's. I know most photography these days are in color format but if you are a serious photographer don't forget the roots of photography. Photographers such as Ansel Adams who created spectacular shots of mountain landscapes, snow skiing and I'm talking wooden skies here, and beautiful lake reflection photos, all in black and white and still today some of the best photography ever taken. Give it a try if you haven't or if you put it on a shelf for a season or two.                    

     How many times have you seen this scene where you live or in your travels. Answer not very often I suspect. If you do it's probably like this one near my home closed for 25 or more years, rusted pumps, boarded up doors and windows, and of course a No Trespassing sign. Still I seek out these type of scenes quite often to shoot B/W's. Old buildings, boat docks, landscapes, even people make wonderful B/W photos. I personally spend more time looking at nice  B/W's  imagining the different hues, checking out the textures, time of day and season, the shadows and lighting technics the photographer used to capture his image. The old saying a" picture paints a thousand words" is for sure true in Black and White photography.