Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Mallards @ Mackey Island"
Every winter I spend quite amount of time photographing landscapes and wildlife. I've grown to have a passion for birds in flight but I also love the challenge the ducks give us here. Don't get me wrong I do wish I could mossy up close and real off dozens of frames but that's not the case here on the Outer Banks. Thanks to telephoto lens, fast cameras, ground blinds, and a lot of work we get as close as we can. This image of two pairs of Mallards was the only shot I was able to pull off, the rest of my attempts came up way short. That's duck hunting with the lens of course!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Mackey Island"
There's an old saying here on the Outer Banks, if you don't like the weather wait 24 hours and let me know how it works out for you. This weekend was no exception as the winter air entered our region with temps in the low 30's for the highs, which if your a wildlife photographer it's time to seek out the birds and ducks. A group of us headed for Mackey Island Wildlife Refuge for just that purpose. Swans, eagles, five or six species of ducks, and hawks gave us a challenge as we endured the cold morning air. Here is an image I captured as a flock of Swans flew overhead along with an airliner soaring southward to a warmer location.
I liken the image to man's continuing pursuit of flight along with natures best, giving way to an interesting photograph.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Merry Christmas"
Before the holiday's slip by I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from my family to all of you and your families. Our weather has been very nice but I believe it's going to be changing for the colder here soon by all reports. I 'm beginning to feel that Christmas spirit as I saw these bulbs in Wal-Mart, so I scarfed them up and headed to the beach this evening to capture this image. Just might turn it into a Christmas card!!!!
God bless you all