"HDR View"
I shot three exposures of this 57 Chevy this morning, brought them up into Promatix Pro for tone mapping, into camera raw for tweeking, and PS CS4 to convert to jpeg. After four or five different mixes I went with the more natural look than the artsy style, due to the trees dominating the back ground.
"B/W Conversion"
Second with a lot of my images I like trying them out in different mediums such as this B/W. I sort of like the way HDR worked on the shade and highlight tones through out this image.
"Quick Masking with HDR"
Third I thought it might be interesting in applying a quick mask to the B/W and bringing back the color of the auto only. Give it a try if you get a chance and send me a comment if you have any questions or just want to give me your thoughts on these images.